There are many diet fads that come and go and many people who try a diet often experience some immediate results, only to have their body regress back to its prior state as they let off the pedal. Finding a diet that is easy to stick to can lead to better results than a diet that is harder to follow. How does the keto diet stack up in this regard? Is it hard to stick with or is one of those diets that people are better able to stay with and experience long term results? We should start with the basics of the keto diet before answering this question.
What is the Keto Diet
The Keto Diet is one that attempts to achieve Ketosis, a state in which your body sheds fat and becomes leaner and healthier. Achieving ketosis is easier on a diet that is very low in carbs and high in fats, with significant amounts of proteins to boot. While some diets try to avoid fatty foods, the keto diet allows for them such as fatty meats like bacon and ham, but avoids those high carb foods. Unlike the Atkins diet, the keto diet doesn’t say that a person who is on the diet should totally avoid carbs, but it does try to keep them to a minimum in order to achieve ketosis, which can rapidly shed those excess pounds. This relaxed attitude towards carbs makes it easier to stock to the keto diet and may lead to better results. Having said this, other steps that you take can lead to better results and improve on the likelihood that you keep with the keto diet and lose your weight.
How to Make it Easier to Stick to the Keto Diet?
There are several steps that you can take that improve on your chances of losing weight with the keto diet. One of the most important things is to have predesigned meals that are keto friendly planned out so that you are less likely to give up on the l keto diet when times get tough and you should definitely check out the 14 days keto challenge. Organization and pre planning can help you to avoid regressing into an unhealthy diet, particularly when you eat out. This is particularly true for those who are traveling away from their home and may be tempted to eat something outside of the confines of their diet. A tasty snack that fits into the specifics of the meal may help to stick with your keto diet for longer. Next, slowly transition into your keto diet by Slowly becoming more and more on the keto diet. Transitioning slowly makes it more likely that you will stick with the specifics of the day and will regress into your former habits. I understand your long-term and short-term goals and slowly incorporate the nuances of the diet into your every day life by picking out those items that are easier to transition before moving onto the items that you really love it are well incorporated into your life.