Smokers considering switching to e-cigarettes should search for reliable information so that they can make informed choices. Most probably, you have delayed your decision because a lot of people out there consistently talk about explosions and health problems. They also tell you that e-cigarettes are to blame for teenage smoking. Conclusion? You might as well continue smoking.
Are e-cigarettes Safer than Traditional Cigarettes?
You are probably interested in this piece because the answers you have obtained so far do not seem convincing. You are here because you want accurate information about the matter at hand. Fortunately, this article endeavors to present facts that lead you to an evidence-based conclusion.
Evidence Continues to Accumulate
Evidence that e-cigarettes are safer than traditional ones continues to pile up. One 2017 study compared the toxicant exposure between people who had switched to e-cigarettes and those who continued to enjoy the conventional products for 16 months. Interestingly, the study found considerable reductions in toxic compounds in e-cigarette users as compared to smokers. Note that these differences occurred in people who had stopped smoking.
E-cigarettes Do Not Contain Tobacco
E-cigarettes are a safer bet when compared to traditional products because they do not contain tobacco. You already know that inhaling smoke from tobacco combustion or chewing it can lead to complicated health issues. Fortunately, e-cigarettes contain ejuice, aka, e-liquid, a fluid that makes vaporing possible. E-juice is available in a variety of flavors, and one can choose options that have zero nicotine. That said, e-cigarettes are not entirely harmless.
Health Organizations have Endorsed E-cigarettes in the United Kingdom
Various studies have influenced policy-making in the United Kingdom. The U.K. cares about the health of its people. Naturally, the country would not support an idea or a product if it had reason to believe that such an endorsement would result in increased harm to the citizens. Since 2016, there is a growing list of UK health organizations that encourage smokers to quit or switch to vaping. The British Medical Association and the Royal College of General Practitioners issued reports recognizing vaping as an option for people who wished to stop smoking.
E-cigarettes in Stop-smoking Campaigns
Public Health England organizes a stop-smoking campaign every year. Last year, and for the first time, the organization included e-cigarettes in its advertising. In Scotland, Health Scotland alongside several other organizations issued a statement that made it clear that vaping is a safer option than smoking. The country’s Chief Medical Officer gave the endorsement full support.
Any Opposing Evidence?
Some studies have suggested that young people who have experimented with vaping later took up smoking. Admittedly, some people who try this idea might end up smoking. That said, these studies fail to prove beyond doubt that it is the actual use of e-cigarettes that led the youth to subsequent smoking. In fact, an investigation including 60,000 teenagers revealed that less than one percent of those youth who experimented had never smoked.
You have just finished examining the views for and against e-cigarettes. What conclusion can you make now?